These are structures that I call Hyperspheres. They're based on 3-D shapes
known mathematically as the Platonic Solids. I've adapted these shapes to the
art of woodturning to create these fascinating structures.
I've been fascinated by the symmetry and elegance of the
three-dimensional shapes know as the Platonic Solids for most of my life. These are multi-faceted
shapes such as the tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, etc. Mathematically
they are distinguished by having each of the faces of the object being
identical, and each of these faces having identical length edges and identical
angles. The most common of these is the cube - a 6 faced solid where each face
is a square (identical sides, identical angles).
To adapt these shapes to the art of woodturning, I've replaced each
side of the original solid with a turned disk. So, for example, using a cube as a starting
point, I replace each of the 6 square faces of the cube with a circular disk.
The disks are joined to a smaller central cube by short wooden struts. The outer
surface of each of the disks is curved so that the entire structure is round.
The effect is that of an open sphere projecting outward from a central
'core'. Some have likened the structure to an exploding star, others to a
stylized dandelion seed, still others to a soccer ball.
There are 5 basic shapes in the set of Platonic Solids - the 4-faced
tetrahedron (4 triangles), the 6-sided cube (6 squares), the 8-sided octahedron
(8 triangles), the 12-sided dodecahedron (12 pentagons), and the 20-sided
icosahedron (20 triangles). I have created hyperspheres for each of these. I
have also created a 32-sided figure (mathematically known as a truncated
icosahedron). This is a shape made famous by Buckminster Fuller's work on
geodesic domes - the shape of the 'bucky ball'.
#511 a 12-sided Hypersphere.
The outer disks are Pau Ferro,the inner 12-sided block (docecahedron) is
Olivewood. Struts are African Blackwood.
8 1/2" in diameter. |
A 20-sided Hypersphere. The outer disks are Jatoba, the inner sphere is
Birch. Struts are African Blackwood.
12" in diameter. |
#514 a 4 sided Hypersphere. The
outer 4 disks are Chakte Kok, and the inner 4-sided tetrahedron is
Padouk. Struts are African Blackwood.
5 1/4" in diameter. |
A 32-sided Hypersphere. The inner hypersphere is a 12-sided Zebrawood
hypersphere. The outer 20 disks are Chakte Kok. Struts are African
Blackwood. This is really the superposition of a 12-sided hypersphere
within a 20-sided hypersphere.
12" in diameter. |